To get a quote or further information on a corporate booking, please complete the form below, and we'll get back to you. Leave this field blank Course Details Course Type:* Please select Licence CPD Real Estate Other Courses C of R Traineeships Strata Licence Sales & Marketing Commercial CPD 2022_2023 C of R Real Estate C of R Strata CPD 2023_2024 ACT CPD 2024 CPD 2024_2025 Course:* Please select 011N - NSW CPD F2F OSRPM/Commercial 24/25 [TESTING] 013N NSW CPD Sales Online (5 hours) 24/25 014N NSW CPD Strata Online (5 hours) 24/25 015N NSW CPD OSRPM/Commercial Online (5 hours) 24/25 016N Autograde Testing 017N - NSW CPD Webinar Strata Dual Licence 24/25 018N - NSW CPD - Dealing with difficult clients and situations-Residential agents- 1 hour 019N- CPD Elective: Present at Tribunals- 3 hours [LMS] 020 - NSW CPD Elective Art of Auction (LMS) 021N - CPD Elective: Strata for Property Managers - 3 hours 022N - NSW CPD Elective: Avoiding disputes affecting your commission 1 hour 023N - NSW CPD Elective Disclosures on off-the-plan purchases (sales) 024N - NSW CPD Elective: Contract Law and Case Studies for Commercial 1 hour 025N - NSW CPD Elective: Sustainability in Commercial Property 3 hours 026N CPD Elective: Introduction to strata insurance- 3 hours 027N - NSW CPD Presenting at NCAT – A Guide for Strata Agent 3 hours 028N - NSW CPD Risk Management in Strata 029N - NSW CPD Risk Management in Real Estate 030N - NSW CPD Pitfall and Challenges in Commercial Real Estate 031N - NSW CPD Tenancy Application Checking [LMS] 032N - NSW CPD Understanding Basic Building Terminology and Faults [LMS] 034N - NSW CPD Elective: Tips for handling 'Make Good' Commercial 1 hour [LMS] 035N - NSW CPD ELECTIVE: Cultural Diversity in the Property Sector 3 hours 036N - NSW CPD Elective: Intro to Commercial Real Estate 3 hours 037N - NSW CPD Negotiating in the strata sector 3 hours 038N - NSW CPD Understanding the basics of contract law 039N - NSW CPD Communicating with influence 040N - NSW CPD Effective conflict management skills 041N - NSW CPD NSW CPD Decision Making 194N - NSW CPD Webinar Property Management 195N - NSW CPD Webinar Sales 24/25 196N - NSW CPD Webinar Strata 24/25 197N - NSW CPD Webinar Commercial/OSRPM 24/25 [TESTING] 198N - NSW CPD F2F Property Management 24/25 [TESTING] 199N - NSW CPD F2F Sales 24/25 [TESTING] 012N NSW CPD Property Management Online (5 hours) 24/25 Preferred location:* Minimum students: Maximum students: Course Dates Between:* And: Company Details Business name:* ABN/ACN: Type your address:* Start typing your street number and address to look it up - you can then enter any building or unit details separately. Try to enter street number and street name to lookup your address. You will then be able to provide a floor or unit if required. Postal delivery information: Building / Property name: Flat / Unit details: Street or lot number:* Street name:* Suburb, locality or town:* Postcode:* State / territory:* Address not right? Show address fields Contact Details First name:* Last name:* Work phone:* Email:* Comments: